Ponderings of Grace ~ Third Sunday of Advent

Today's readings trace the evolution of God's unfolding love through the centuries.
Whether it is Isaiah (8th century BCE), psalmist (5th/4th centuries BCE), or Matthew and Mary (1st century CE), God's dynamic love is vividly portrayed opening blind eyes, deaf ears and speechless tongues, comforting fearful hearts, strengthening feeble limbs, feeding the hungry, caring for orphans and widows, bringing justice to the oppressed. It is Jesus, God's own Son, who ushers in this Holy Way, this new creation making all things whole and holy!

Our baptism into Jesus necessarily makes us agents of God's Love and ministers of wholeness and holiness in our own lives and the lives of others.

~ Am I in touch with my personal areas of blindness, deafness, feebleness? Can I humbly and willingly entrust them to God's forgiveness and mercy, to be made wholly a new creation?

  ~ Embraced and empowered by God's love, will I exercise my divine responsibility to become a "whole-maker" bringing compassion, mercy, reconciliation, unity to our broken world? Who in my circle of relationships longs for this from me?


References: Isaiah, James, Matthew, Psalm 146, Luke,
Ilia Dileo (The Emergent Christ)


--Fran De Lisle SSJ