Ponderings of Grace - Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

This is my Body...this is my Blood.


Jesus, through each of us, continues to speak these words as we encounter the bread and wine of our living each day. In addition to bread and wine, Jesus takes the person who is troubled, ill, hungry, homeless, and oppressed as the bread and wine of our day. He asks us who have consumed the Bread and Wine of Eucharist to be blessed and broken as we listen with compassion, open our hearts, and attend with our hands to those he presents before us each day. Just as the bread is broken and Jesus allowed himself to be broken on the Cross, we allow our hearts to be broken open in loving service. Once again, we hear "This is my Body, this is my Blood broken and shed for you."

Jesus counts on us to be his Body and Blood - nourishment for our broken world.


--Mary Elizabeth Clark, SSJ