Ponderings of Grace - Feast of the Assumption of Mary


Sitting on the porch of Saint Mary by-the-Sea, I am drawn deeply into the sacred that is all around. There is the crashing of the waves upon the shoreline --- ever present and symbolic of the transformation that occurs within my heart and the hearts of persons gathered here. A lone Monarch has made her way to the dunes resting a while before her ultimate journey to Mexico, a reminder of our desire to rest in the arms of the Holy One. Finally, Mary comes into focus with her palms outstretched, a gesture of surrender and welcome.

I can think of no better place than Saint Mary by-the-Sea to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. Grace abounds on this holy ground. May we, like Mary, proclaim the greatness of our God and rejoice in God our Savior. May we, with outstretched hands and open hearts, give ourselves to God to be used in small and large ways -- lifting up the lowly , and meeting the needs of our dear neighbor near and far.

God looked with compassion on Mary in the same way that God looks with compassion upon us. This day, may we rest in the beauty of that image and challenge ourselves to be the heart and face of God to all we meet, knowing that one day, like Mary, we too will be raised up!


--Joan Dollinger
SSJ Associate