Ponderings of Grace - Feast of St. Anne and Joachim


Anne and Joachim are honored because of their relationship to Mary and, through her, to Jesus.

From the Hebrew meaning of their names (Anne meaning "favor" or "grace" and Joachim meaning "God Prepares" or "God will establish"), we do know that God's hand was upon them at their births.  "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you." (Jeremiah 29: 11)

Other than the significance of their names, there is little factual knowledge about them. Yet, by studying their daughter and grandson, we can deduce a great deal about them as persons. They were prayerful. They trusted that God's promises would be fulfilled. They worshipped in the Temple. They studied and dedicated themselves to living their sacred texts. Why do we know these things about Anne and Joachim? How did Jesus learn this way of life if not from his parents and grandparents?

What way of life am I handing on?

Oh, may all who come
behind us find us faithful.
                        What will our progeny reveal to those who come after us?


-- Fran DeLisle, SSJ