Ponderings of Grace - Exaltation of the Holy Cross

September 14

In mid-September 335, the basilica built over Jesus' tomb was dedicated.
The anniversary became a time to venerate the cross with September herbs and flowers.

A vivid memory:    Oberammergan Passion Play 2000
                                   Scene of Jesus being taken down from the Cross

The following text being sung:

Mary:              Bring my son to me!

Joseph and Nicodemus are on ladders, one behind the cross
at Jesus' right arm, the other to the front of Jesus' left arm.

Cleopha:         Spread out the linen cloth for his martyred body.

Nicodemus:   Come onto my shoulders.

Joseph of Arimathea: Come let us embrace you.

J and N tenderly place Jesus within a very long swaddling cloth and lower him onto Mary's lap.

Mary:              First in Bethlehem. Now at Golgotha.
                         My Son, how your body is covered with blood and wounds.
                         Lord, you let the enemies be victorious over him.

John:              Mother, he died for love. See, peace rests on his face.

Mary:             Peace is also returning to my heart.
                        See, humanity, the light came into the world, but you loved darkness
                        more than the light. For God so loved the world that he gave his Son,
                        so that everyone who believes in him might not perish.  

Chorus:         All of you, who pass this way,
                       Stand still, pay attention, and see!
                       Where can you find the kind of love,
                       That can compare to this?

The Church continues gathering to "glory in the cross,"
Which for us is a new tree of life in paradise,
the tree in God's garden that brings life out of death.


--Grace Pino, SSJ