Ponderings of Grace - All Soul's Day


When the beginning of November rolls around I invariably find myself listening to Liam Lawton's CD called Time . The entire collection of song and prayer captures themes such as the gift of time, healing, and remembrance. My favorite song is: There Is A Place . The lyrics are moving and speaks to our hearts of life's experiences and being in relationship. As we set aside today to remember our loved ones who have returned home to God's loving embrace the last verse of Lawton's song speaks volumes:


As we thank God for blessings, for the moments we shared
as we look to tomorrow, close by us they'll stay
There is a treasure in our fields, in our skies, in our dreaming,
from the soul to the eye
for wherever we gather in the light of God's grace
and for all who we remember
for you who we remember
There will ever be a place.


Yes, November is here and though our hearts ache, we are grateful for the gift these souls are to us! Perhaps each day during the month we can light a candle and prayerfully remember and honor one soul each day and all they shared with us. Connect to and bless the memories! How were we gifted by each one of them? What was the legacy they left us? How do we go on sharing in the richness and deepening of the journey with others? The readings today provide comfort and consolation. Wisdom promises us they are in peace. St. Paul spoke of the mystery of life not ending but being changed. Jesus revealed God's name so that we may know the love that exists between them and Jesus with us!

