Ponderings of Grace - Fifth Sunday of Easter

God's dwelling is with the human race.

He will dwell with them and they will be his people. (Rev. 21: 3)

In his day,                                                              In our day,

Jesus fed thousands                                           Steveanna Wynn leads program providing food
                                                                                to thousands experiencing "food insecurity"

Jesus told of a Samaritan                                  Muslim taxi driver takes woman from Media to
who cared for his neighbor                               Riddle Hospital for surgery and paid her fare

Jesus promised peace                                        Karen Porter founded Chester Peace Move-

Jesus healed the sick                                           Penn's Village, a Center City organization, works
                                                                                 to support elderly, ill or special-needs neighbors

Jesus blessed little children                               Kimberly Ritter fights child sex trafficking


Surely, God dwells with Kimberly, Steveanna, the cab driver, Karen, and those in Penn's Village!

When and by whom have you experienced God dwelling with his people?

Reflect upon Theresa of Jesus' prayer:

Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.
      Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on the world,
             Yours are the feet with which he walkd to do good:
                 Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.

When, where, and to whom will I be the face of God dwelling among us?


--Fran DeLisle, SSJ