Ponderings of Grace - Second Sunday of Easter


"... when the doors were locked where the disciples
were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood
in their midst and said to them,
'Peace be with you.'"
   John 20: 19


Place yourself within the walls of your heart room.
Allow the presence of Jesus to enter and penetrate your fears.
Allow your fears to surface within the presence of your risen Jesus
                  who understands you even when you are not at your finest.
In a loving whisper, hear your risen Jesus saying to you: "Peace be with you___________."


"I want to unfold.
Let no place in me hold itself closed for where
I am closed, I am false."

--Maria Rilke, Book of Hours


What are you saying to Jesus?
What is the risen Jesus saying to you?
Imagine exchanging the Sign of Peace with each other.


--Helen Wiegmann, SSJ