Ponderings of Grace ~ Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Your attitude must be Christ's: Though he was in the form of God he did not deem equality something to be grasped at. Rather he emptied himself.... Philippians 2: 5-7

Christ had to empty himself to take on human condition. And, we also, must empty ourselves in order to become the daughters and sons of God. And so we need to identify that which we cling to in order to let go. May it be unhealthy attitudes, unproven truths, preconceived notions, praying without conviction and thought or various unnamed things of which we need to empty ourselves.

There are days when we really see how wonderful Jesus is, our friend and brother. Hosanna, Hosanna. And there are days when we perhaps more by our actions than words cry: Crucify him, Crucify him.

Lord Jesus, 

May your passion make us more passionate.
May your willingness to suffer for us deepen our appreciation of your love.
May your example teach us to empty ourselves in order to make more room in our hearts for your everlasting presence.





--Marie Elizabeth Alspaugh SSJ