Ponderings of Grace ~ Feast of the Annunciation

Luke 1: 26 - 38


But she was greatly troubled at what was said
and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.



In Henry Tanner's, Annunciation, we are offered a graced gift to help us capture the essence of Mary's yes. Tanner's portrayal of Mary as the young Jewish girl that she was, awakened to a life-changing encounter, makes it easier for us to wrap our minds and hearts around the angel's message and invitation.

Ronald Rolheiser in The Holy Longing suggests that we look at Mary's pondering through the lens of holding the tension. Who held tension better than Mary? Mary pondered being unmarried and pregnant with a child conceived by the Spirit of God. Mary pondered that her heart would one day be broken. Mary pondered that her 12-year old son was teaching in the temple with authority beyond his years. Finally, Mary pondered her innocent son's execution on the cross when all she could do was stand with him. Through it all, Mary said yes!

  • Where am I, like Mary, being asked to 'hold the tension'?

  • What can I glean from Mary's response to the angel that will allow me to be free enough to continue 'to claim our prophetic voice as women to stand with marginalized persons and to treasure and care for the Earth'? (Chapter 1994)

  • Am I truly able to respond, in the manner of Mary, 'Here I am, the servant of God', use me to help bring about unity and reconciliation, for the life of the world?

--Joan Dollinger
SSJ Associate